Cole Lavalais headshot

Cole Lavalais

Cole's work can be found in the Chicago Tribune, Obsidian, Apogee, Warpland, Tidal Basin Review, Aquarius Press, and others. Her short story collection, Half A Mile from Heaven, is forthcoming from Aquarius Press. She is the author of Summer of the Cicadas, published in 2016. She is a fellow of the Kimbilio Center for Black Fiction, VONA and the Callaloo Writing Workshops. She holds an M.F.A. in Creative Writing from Chicago State University and a Ph.D. in Creative Writing from University of Illinois at Chicago.

Cole is the Director of the Gwendolyn Brooks Center for Black Literature and Creative Writing, an Associate Editor for Write City Magazine, the Fiction Editor of the Packingtown Review, and an Assistant Professor of Creative Writing and English at Chicago State University.

Event: Writing Retreats: Finding Home Away from Home - Reimagining Home Through Writing Retreats - April 2, 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM